Welcome to As Life Goes Water Flows
There are forces in nature that can guide us to a better understanding of why we are put on Earth and how to get the most out of life. These forces are presented to us all the time. In daytime, and at night which I have come to describe as “Messages in our Moments.” These are messages that are being sent to you by a force. Some call them guardian angels, spirits or a high self. These spiritual guides are all around us to guide us and to inspire us on our path forward in life.
As Life Goes Water Flows offers two courses where you are shown how to recognize the messages that are reaching out to you. There are daytime messages and nighttime messages. Once you learn to recognize both these messages and make sense of their meaning, you can experience a stronger sense of self and live a more authentic life.
Meet Sarah Bacon
Life Coach & Gateway Dreaming™ Practitioner
Sarah has over 20 years of experience working in the hospital and healthcare industry. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) with a focus in registered nursing, administration, research and clinical nursing from Washington University in St. Louis. Having understood the healthcare field extensively as a Practitioner she now uses that knowledge in a more wholesome Mind Body Spirit approach.
In 2016, Sarah rounded out her holistic studies by completing her certification coursework with legendary Denise Linn to be a licensed Gateway Dreaming™ Dream Practitioner. As a Life Coach focusing on Messages in the Moment and a Dream Practitioner exploring the meaning with our dreams, Sarah now assists others in finding a deeper understanding of their own life moments by creating a passion and curiosity to the daily pursuit of messages in the moments.
Messages Within
The Moments
Sunrise to Sunset
Have you ever thought that the “coincidences" in your day are just too powerful and have much deeper meanings? Gaining clarity of the little messages throughout the day can provide you with a better understanding of why life events are occurring. These sessions are aimed to enhance your abilities to reach a deeper connection to one's self and increased awareness of messages given to you by higher realms.
Learn about
Gateway Dreaming™
Sunset to Sunrise
Do you wonder what your dreams mean? Does it feel like they have significance? Why are some nightmares repetitious and others you cannot remember? Dreams are secret messages from your soul. Learn to unlock the hidden powers of your dreams that will help you understand your life. As a Gateway Dreaming™ Dream Practitioner, Sarah can coach you into interpreting your dreams.
Individual & Group Dream Courses
Get the Most Out of Your Life
As Life Goes Water Flows offers both individual consultations and group courses. Sarah guides individuals into finding a more conscious awareness of their present moments, recognizing the messages within those moments, and the synchronicities of moments prior. Mastering this awareness provides an opportunity to create moments rather than reacting to moments.